painting your home in a decorative way

How To Give Tiresome Porcelain Tiles A New Paint Job

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Is your floor or wall porcelain tile color looking faded, or do you want to ditch the olive green retro look for something you can tolerate? Painting the tile is more cost-effective than replacing the whole floor or wall.   Two-part tile epoxy paint or latex makes it possible to paint the tiles. However, it is ideal to paint tiles in areas where you don’t use water often. Follow these tips to paint your porcelain tiles.…

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How To Strip Wood Before Refinishing It

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Refinishing an old piece of furniture is a fun and cost effective way to breathe life into an old piece. Of course, the job can be messy and time consuming if you are not prepared for it. Perhaps the most demanding part of the job is removing the existing stain. The difficulty of this is hard to predict. It depends on the age of your piece, the type of wood, the stain type and brand, how it was applied and much more.…

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A Trick For Getting Better Lines

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Most people decide to paint their home because it is one of the most manageable do-it-yourself home remodels. It doesn’t require any special training or tools to paint your interior walls. However, there are a few ways you can make your paint job look a lot better. Perhaps the most important part of any paint job is making sure the edges have clean, straight lines. This article explains a helpful technique for getting the best lines when painting on drywall surfaces.…

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